
Why we won't leave a labour of love

In recent months Nursery World has published on its Letters page much correspondence from disillusioned classroom assistants regarding either their recognition, title, salary or promotion prospects. I can fully empathise with all of these writers, as I am a trained nursery nurse who has been working as a classroom assistant for more than three years. But I would like to issue a challenge - follow the lead of the Jane Joneses and Helen Wrights (Letters, 25 April) of this world and go seek alternative employment.
In recent months Nursery World has published on its Letters page much correspondence from disillusioned classroom assistants regarding either their recognition, title, salary or promotion prospects.

I can fully empathise with all of these writers, as I am a trained nursery nurse who has been working as a classroom assistant for more than three years. But I would like to issue a challenge - follow the lead of the Jane Joneses and Helen Wrights (Letters, 25 April) of this world and go seek alternative employment.

I would rest assured that the majority of us classroom assistants won't. Why? Because we don't work for the praise and pay - we do the job for the love of it! We love the children! We love the fun and laughter! We love the team spirit! We love the uncertainty of each day! We love the responsibility!

So, come on, classroom assistants of the world, join together. Think positive. After all, isn't our role one of support? Let's get in there with a smile on our faces and a spring in our step. I guarantee it is worth it for one smile from a child, or to hear your teacher say, 'What would I do without you?'

And, on a different note, may I say that the 'Ten tips for NVQs' are a great source of information with regard to the degree I am doing. So, many thanks Nursery World for that!

Annette McGullion Brentford, Middlesex