
Win 1,000!

If you are a childcare or early years education student you could win 1,000 by entering Nursery World's student essay competition. Who can enter?
If you are a childcare or early years education student you could win Pounds 1,000 by entering Nursery World's student essay competition.

Who can enter?

Anyone currently studying for a recognised childcare or early years qualification can try their hand.

What do you have to write about?

Entrants must write an essay of around 800 words with the theme 'Childcare in 2052'. You can write about a day in the life of a practitioner; foresee how the early years profession will have changed in 50 years' time; give your dream vision of childcare in the future; write from the point of view of a child...whatever your imagination can come up with.

How do you enter?

Send your finished essay along with the entry form below (you can photocopy it if you like) to Nursery World Student Competition, Admiral House, 66-68 East Smithfield, London E1W 1BX. The closing date for entries is Friday 10 May.

What can you win?

The winning essay will be published in Nursery World; the first prize is Pounds 1,000 with two runner-up prizes of 500 and 250. There will also be 100 worth of book vouchers for the college that the winning student attends.