
Work Matters: Update

Looking at language

The Communication Trust's second annual conference, set for 10 October,will focus on upskilling the workforce to address speech, language andcommunication problems. Keynote speaker John Bercow will update hisreview and report on how the Government is acting on it.

John Bercow will also speak at Talk to Your Baby's conference on earlycommunication issues on 2 October in London.


Meanwhile, I-CAN has launched an activity book as part of its ReadySteady Talk programme for two- and three-year-olds, with a range ofgames for developing core skills.

In tune with the EYFS

Music For Starters, a supplier of music, percussion and puppets foryoung children, is rolling out three new courses linked to the EYFS thisautumn. 'Being Creative with Music' will be held in Birmingham, while'The Singing Classroom - using music to support your whole EYFScurriculum' and 'Using Music to Support Inclusion' will both be inLondon. The latter course is suitable for anyone with an interest inusing music to develop language, communication and interaction withchildren with any form of communication difficulty, autism orbehavioural difficulties. or e-mail

Ready to learn

Training company FutureWorks reports strong take-up for its ActiveLearning and the Enabling Learning Environment course.Director DebbieWebb-Sawh says, 'The course involves creating and participating in anactive learning session. We want participants to be aware of theingredients of active learning, understand how the EYFS supports activelearning, and be able to develop environments to support it.'


For caring men

Bolton Community College is offering 'Men Care Too', a free introductorycourse looking at the different types of jobs available for men in theearly years sector. Starting on September 9, the course involves 12two-hour evening sessions. Contact recruitment officer Liz Beamish on01204 333784.