
Young children's use of video as a source of socially relevant information

Research shows toddlers have difficulty learning from video, but the basis for their difficulty is unknown. In experiments with US two-year-olds, children who were told 'face to face' where to find a hidden toy found it, but those given the same information by a person on video did not. Children who engaged in a five-minute contingent interaction with a person through closed-circuit video before the hiding task used the information provided to find the toy. These findings have implications for educational television and use of video stimuli in laboratory-based research with young children. Troseth, G, Saylor, M and Archer, A, Child Development 77(3):786-799, May/June 2006. Abstract:
Research shows toddlers have difficulty learning from video, but the basis for their difficulty is unknown. In experiments with US two-year-olds, children who were told 'face to face' where to find a hidden toy found it, but those given the same information by a person on video did not. Children who engaged in a five-minute contingent interaction with a person through closed-circuit video before the hiding task used the information provided to find the toy. These findings have implications for educational television and use of video stimuli in laboratory-based research with young children.

Troseth, G, Saylor, M and Archer, A, Child Development 77(3):786-799, May/June 2006. Abstract:

vidence that children from deprived backgrounds face poorer outcomes in speech and language development and educational achievement has led to an assertive attempt to lessen social inequalities at the earliest opportunity.