
Interview - David Gibb

Mr Gibb will release his second album aimed at children and families, Climb That Tree, on 25 August, followed by a 14-date UK tour.

What is the inspiration behind your music?

I’m inspired by all the music that I loved and absorbed as a child. Lots of people talk about the music they remember from their teenage years, but I think music also has a huge part to play in early childhood. I want to write songs that families can enjoy together – that parents will still be listening to in the car after they’ve dropped the children off – in the same way they might read on to the next chapter of Harry Potter after their child has fallen asleep!

Tell us a bit about your background.

I grew up in a musical household – choosing what music to play during dinnertime was (and still is) a family ritual. I played in lots of bands at school and then, when I was around 18, I got into playing folk music. This led to a few years’ touring folk clubs and festivals, which in turn led to some workshops in schools. It was at this point that I realised that there wasn’t much quality music out there for families.

What age children is your music aimed at?

I like to think my music is for everyone, but there’s definitely a demographic of children aged around three to eight who I see a lot at my concerts.

What reaction do you get from children and families when you perform?

It’s surprisingly rare that children get to see a live concert up close, so they often get very excited. There’s always lots of dancing and singing at my concerts, and I know I’ve succeeded when parents are telling me that they enjoyed it as much the children did.

Tell us about your upcoming album and tour.

My new show and album are called Climb That Tree, and are about anything and everything you could imagine, from disco teddy bears to simply riding a bicycle. I’m going to be touring with two other brilliant musicians who will help to bring the album to life, and we’ll be taking an amazing set piece in the form of a large tree that does all sorts of exciting things.


  • For more information about David Gibb’s music and concert dates, visit www.davidgibb.com