Martin Pace, author and director of Reflections Nursery & Forest School, and the nursery's atelierista Laura Magnavacchi will show how you can find inspiration in some of the children's creative projects, including fire, monsters and baby stories, and how the principles of the Reggio Emilia approach underpin EYFS practice at Reflections.
There is growing interest in Reggio in the UK, with more nurseries incorporating art studios and Reggio-inspired creative approaches, so don't miss this chance to hear from the experts.
The hour-long seminar is on Friday 3 February from 15.00-16.00.
This session is one of several in the show programme to look at improving quality in the EYFS by drawing inspiration from other approaches. On Saturday 4 February, Barbara Isaacs will lead 'Bringing the Montessori approach to your early years practice' at 13.00; and at 13.15 Jane Dyke and Stella Louis will speak on 'Raising quality in the EYFS: learning from Froebel'.
Tickets for seminars cost £16 (plus VAT) at the early bird rate until 2 December.