
Editor's View - The recent riots have posed a challenge for nurseries

The initial shock, fear and anger over the riots in London and other cities throughout England may be diminishing, but the clearing up and the search for reasons and long-term solutions goes on.

We look at the events and their ramifications from various angles online and in print this week.

For nurseries in affected areas, the first priority was obviously the children's safety, and many had to close early and keep their charges inside. Then comes dealing with children's questions about frightening circumstances that they can't understand. What happened is beyond adults' understanding too, of course, but we've got some expert advice on how to handle children's queries and feelings.

One great way to engage children in positive action for their community is demonstrated by Blue House in Croydon, the nursery collecting donations for those made homeless in the arson attacks.

We also look at planning ahead for business continuity in anticipation of such incidents. And finally, parenting expert Sue Atkins gives her views on how good parenting can produce good citizens.

The outbreak of rioting surely reinforces the need to make greater investment in early intervention programmes, to stop cuts to play services and youth clubs, and to work harder to end the disenfranchisement of some groups from their communities.

Where's the points?

It's great news that CACHE's extended Level 3 Diploma is open from September, but the lack of any UCAS points so far (so those taking the qualification can go on to a degree) surely defeats the purpose of providing the two-year version (pages 4-5). This needs to be sorted out urgently, or bright, ambitious students will lose the incentive to sign up.