
This a good, seasonal group activity, that requires no cooking until it's made into mince pies. This recipe is particularly delicious and not overly sweet. If made with brandy, mincemeat will keep for many months, as the brandy and sugar act as preservatives; if made with fruit juice it must be used within a few days. Quantities here make about 1 3/4 kilos.

While nurseries may prefer the fruit juice option, the amount of brandy in each raw mince pie is only about 1.7ml, according to my calculations, and as cooking (and cooling) partially destroy alcohol, the amount surviving should be minuscule and physically harmless. However, staff would, of course, also have to take into account the views and cultures of any families who forbid alcohol entirely.

1kg mixed dried fruit;
250g mixed chopped peel;
200g demerara sugar;
175g shredded suet;
2 teaspoons mixed spice;
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
1 nutmeg;
250g apple;
2 large juicy lemons;
8 tablespoons brandy, or apple and mango juice
Large mixing bowl;
smaller bowl;
large mixing spoons;
nutmeg grater or any fine grater;
lemon squeezer;
sharp knives;
chopping boards;
clean, dry, lidded jars.


- Tip the peel, sugar, suet and about three-quarters of the dried fruit into a large bowl and mix together.

- Chop the rest of the fruit into small pieces (or use a food processor or hand mincer) and add these to the bowl. Set aside.

- Lightly grate the lemon rind into the small bowl, then add the squeezed juice.

- Grate the nutmeg and add it along with the cinnamon and mixed spice.

- Wash and core the apple, chop it into tiny pieces and stir in.

- At the last moment, add the brandy or juice.

- Tip everything into the large bowl and mix thoroughly. The aroma should be wonderful!

- Pack the mincemeat down into jars, screw on the lids tightly and store in a cool place until needed.

Mince pies

To make mince pies: line a tartlet tin with thinly rolled discs of shortcrust pastry and put about two rounded teaspoons of mincemeat into each disc. Don't overfill, or the mincemeat will bubble over. Cover each pie with another thin pastry disc. Press down gently to lightly seal the edges. Make a hole in each 'lid' for steam to escape. Brush with milk and bake about 10 minutes at gas mark 6-7, 210 degsC or until golden brown.Alternatively, make large pies and cut into pieces to serve.