
My Best course - Patterns of behaviour

Careers & Training Management
A course in schemas provided one childminder with some theory behind practical advice to help children play – as well as tips for getting parents interested. Hannah Crown finds out more

How much do you know about the schemas that you observe on a daily basis? An online course from PACEY aims to teach practitioners about the thinkers who first identified schemas, what schemas are and how they fit in with development.

Piaget’s work on play cycles and Nutbrown’s work on babies are referenced, while information is given on helping practitioners to create an environment with easily accessible resources that can be used in different ways. The training also provides worksheets and extra reading and resources, such as childminder blogs.

Kay Hartburn, a childminder from Bedford, who works until 8.30pm some evenings, did the online course in her spare time. She says, ‘I found it fascinating; it gave me a completely different point of view. The way I do my observations has changed, which in turn has changed my assessment of what the children can do. The boys I look after love the trains and I’ve given them extra things like boxes, which they have made into tunnels and sheds.

‘The boys love transporting, building the tracks as well as using them. I found the most interesting schema was the transport one because they all do it. I have a three-year-old who likes to tuck things into things – he puts things in a T-shirt if he can’t find a box.

‘A little girl I had was also very much a scatterer – she throws everything around the floor and them she would pick out what she wanted.’

Part of the further information section also includes relevant TV programmes – such as the Twirlywoos on CBeebies. Ms Hartburn says, ‘I didn’t understand it before, but once I knew the programme is about schemas it gave me ideas. The children find it very interesting; they sort of zone out when they watch it and now I know why.

‘I’ve also offered parents worksheets on it from my notes. They are absolutely fascinated by it.’
