
Network Whispers - Baseline, Epipens and transition visits

Nursery World and NDNA join forces for a behind-the-scenes column

WRONG BASELINE Confusion has reigned after maintained nursery schools have been contacted by the DfE to trial the Reception Baseline which, as the name suggests, is aimed at Reception classes in primary schools. ‘Makes me wonder if they are just asking everyone in the hope they will get enough that agree to take part,’ said one commentator. The DfE has confirmed only state settings ‘with a reception cohort’ will take part.

IN THE MONEY According to the Government’s National Careers Service, a nursery manager earns up to £45k per year, or an average of £34k, and works 35 to 40 hours per week. One nursery owner wrote online, ‘Now wondering why we spent 26 years investing /building/running our nursery when [this imaginary manager] could earn more than both of us put together and improve our work/life balance.’

EPI-PENALISED Nurseries in Cheshire are lobbying the Government along with NDNA about being unable to use epipens. The Regulations say all schools and council-maintained nurseries are allowed to buy, store and administer adrenaline injectors – but PVI nurseries cannot. One nursery owner said, ‘We are just as likely to care for children with severe allergies. It seems ludicrous that private nurseries weren’t included in the legislation at the time.’

ROUGH TRANSITION Reports coming in from Liverpool indicate only one school is now bothering to send teachers on transition visits to nurseries, while schools want transition forms in April/May rather than June/July – despite the developmental progress children could make over these few months. One nursery manager, who is working with the schools forum to try to improve this, said: ‘This is a missed opportunity as teachers would learn so much more about the children in their nursery settings where they are comfortable and confident.’