
Training Talk - Held Close

A course in baby wearing has had benefits for both babies and practitioners, as Hannah Bartrum discovered. By Gabriella Jozwiak

Parents are increasingly carrying babies in slings. Owner and manager of Peacocks Montessori Nursery on the Norfolk/Suffolk border Hannah Bartrum noticed the trend herself when more parents asked if her staff would carry their babies.

‘We were happy to do it,’ says Ms Bartrum. But having experienced back pain after carrying her children, and wanting to offer the form of care in an informed and safe way, she turned to local community organisation Kangaroo Together for advice.

Director Victoria Trevor offered her a tailored, one-day Child Carrying Peer Supporter Workshop. Ms Bartrum did the course in Ms Trevor’s home, which covered the history of baby wearing, the advantages for children and carriers, and information on babies’ anatomy and development.

‘Safety checks include making sure the baby’s hips are in the proper position,’ says Ms Bartrum. ‘She also explained how wearing helps regulate the baby’s body temperature.’

Much research has been published into the benefits of carrying babies, including that it promotes secure attachment and aids healthy physical development.

All eight members of Ms Bartrum’s staff now carry children. ‘We carry them any time, especially when they first come, it can help reduce stress of separation. We also carry them if they’ve been unwell or are upset.’

Ms Bartrum says the practice is also beneficial for practitioners. ‘If a child wants lots of cuddles, it enables staff to multitask,’ she says. ‘When a practitioner is wearing them, they can follow the babies’ cues more. The babies tend to cry less, which is good for everybody.’

She adds, ‘Some parents didn’t want us to because they felt it could make the children clingy. I would say it actually makes children more confident, but it’s a personal choice.’
