
'Bright rooms' help evidence in child abuse cases

New family-friendly rooms in police stations have supported thousands of traumatised children to give better evidence in abuse cases, according to the Metropolitan Police.

The seven new rooms have been used for filming ‘Achieving Best Evidence’ (ABE) interviews which are played to juries during court cases to help minimise children's time giving live evidence.

The ‘Bright Spaces’, are the result of a joint initiative between non-profit organisation the Bright Horizons Foundation for Children, and the Met’s Child Abuse Investigation Team.

The programme to transform existing ‘sterile, cold and impractical’ spaces has been so successful there are five more in the pipeline this year, with Bright Horizons currently exploring opportunities to partner with other forces.

Volunteers created a relaxing atmosphere by kitting out the rooms, located in ABE suites across London, with toys, games, books, comfy furnishings and book cases.

DS Debbie More, based at Edgware Police Station, described three child witnesses with learning difficulties visiting the suite a number of times to familiarise themselves, before providing their accounts.

She added, ‘After having such poor facilities for so long, it was great to bring them to such welcoming and bright surroundings.’

Officer Chris Cason, of Feltham Police, described how another child was in tears on arrival but after being supported he did not want to leave. He said, ‘I can honestly say, in my 20 plus years in child protection that is a first for me.’

The foundation has also created mobile packs including activity books, crayons and pens that officers can give to children to help them feel at ease when interviewing them offsite.

Denise Priest, who is on the foundation’s board, said, ‘The Bright Horizons Foundation for Children is very proud of its partnership with the Met Police’s Child Abuse Investigation Team and of the innovative Bright Spaces we have created together at the team’s interview suites.

‘At a time when life can seem bleak, our Bright Spaces provide vulnerable children with a safe and welcoming place where they can relax and play – and simply enjoy being a child.’

The Met’s DS Luke Williams, said, ‘Working with the Bright Horizons Foundation has allowed the Metropolitan Police Service to hone in on the skill and experience of their staff in creating a positive environment for children.

‘We interview children who have suffered unthinkable abuse and this partnership has assisted in providing a comfortable and safe space in which to give their evidence. I thank everyone involved in giving their time to create these unique suites.’

Those involved in the three-year partnership celebrated at a ceremony in Haringey, north London.


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