
Centre leaders to test partnership working

A pilot programme launched this week aims to build links between leaders of children's centres so they can share their expertise.

Thirteen children's centre leaders, who have been nominated by theirlocal authorities, will take part in the scheme being conducted by theNational College for School Leadership (NCSL). All of them leadchildren's centres that are based on school sites, located in a nationalchallenge area and involved with the Government's 0-7 Partnership schemepilots (News, 17 July 2008).

The ten local authorities taking part are Leicester City, Bradford,Luton, Haringey, Cornwall, Barnsley, Richmond, Hertfordshire, Dudley andTower Hamlets.

Participants will attend a four-day development course exploring how tobuild relationships with the community and local partners. The sessionswill also cover topics such as leading and managing in an environmentwhere there may be conflicting interests, how to contribute to policydevelopment and implementation and how to motivate differentstakeholders to work effectively together.

The participants will then try to identify how children's centres canachieve better outcomes for children and families and contribute to theagenda for 21st century schools, outlined in the DCSF consultation, 21stCentury Schools: A World-Class Education for Every Child, which closeson Tuesday (3 March).

Over the following year they will undertake an impact research projectaimed at demonstrating how their new approach to integrated work hasbenefited children and families.

Sue Egersdorff, operational director for Extended and IntegratedLeadership at the NCSL, said, 'This pilot programme builds on thesubstantial achievements these leaders have already made in serving theneeds of local children and families. By building alliances in theircommunity, they will be placing integrated services at the heart oftheir provision.'

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