
Children's centre in equality 'first'

A children's centre run by a children's charity is the first in the country to gain the EQualities award for championing equality in the early years.

Anthony Road Children’s Centre in Birmingham, which is managed by the voluntary organisation Spurgeons for Birmingham City Council, has achieved the EQualities Award.

A national scheme, recognised by Ofsted, the award helps children’s centres and schools to review and develop their practice across all areas of equality including disability, ethnicity and gender. It aims to promote equality of opportunity, eliminating discrimination, and fostering good relations and community cohesion.

Acting children’s centre manager Aggie Kent said the centre had decided to apply for the award because they didn’t want to ‘rest on our laurels’, after gaining an ‘outstanding’ in all areas in their Ofsted inspection last October.

She said she was thrilled with the centre’s achievement.

‘Anthony Road is committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment. It strives to promote equality of opportunity across the board and will vigorously challenge behaviour or conduct that doesn’t support this aim. It's marvellous that this award recognises this commitment and the hard work of the staff and volunteers.’

Ms Kent said that the centre has ‘successfully broken down barriers’ with groups who are considered hard to reach. There are several parent groups and there is a high-level of engagement with fathers – 27 per cent, compared with the Birmingham average of 15 per cent.

She said, ‘Through evaluation, we have found that the best method of promotion is verbally with families as this can be communicated in a variety of languages and families do not always have time to read the relevant information - or may have low level literacy skills.  Our staff reflect the community we serve with interpreted languages including Urdu, Somali, Arabic, Mirpuri, Bengali, Danish, as well as Polish.’

The centre has excellent provision for those with a disability or learning need, with a sensory house and garden that children with additional needs are able to explore through their different senses.

‘We undertake initial assessments using the Common Assessment Framework and Early Support package to identify the needs of children and their families We offer sensitive, needs-led and focused support which has a positive impact helping children and families to live healthy and fulfilled lives,’ Ms Kent added.

To achieve the award, staff collected evidence of good practice against more than 30 standards.

Settings conduct a detailed audit and put together a portfolio of evidence to show how they comply with the new Equality Act 2010, the 2009 Ofsted Common Inspection Framework, and the Education and Inspections Act 2006.

The centre was also visited by independent verifiers who assessed the centre’s policies and procedures.

Dr Chris Derrington, who presented the award and portfolio, from the EQualities Award, said, ‘Anthony Road Children's Centre is a champion of equality in every sense. The Spurgeons staff team is totally committed to the principle of inclusion and are constantly striving to foster relationships and develop their services. What came across really strongly is that this is a "listening" centre that really values and acts upon feedback from the local community. The centre provides a rich and stimulating environment which promotes diversity and raises aspirations for all its users.'

Further information

Spurgeons runs more than 50 services for more than 27,000 children and their families.