
Covid cases in early years settings nearly double in a week

The number of incidents of reported cases of coronavirus almost doubled in one week in January, official statistics reveal.
The number of early years settings reporting incidents of coronavirus nearly doubled during the week of 11 January
The number of early years settings reporting incidents of coronavirus nearly doubled during the week of 11 January

The news has brought renewed calls from the sector for lateral flow tests to be sent directly to providers, and for early years workers to be prioritised for vaccinations.

Reports of cases to Ofsted rose from 1,267 for the week starting 4 January to 2,357 starting the week of the 11 January, according to data published by Ofsted.

A further 2,279 reports were received in the week beginning the 18 January.

Each report is a notification by a setting of an incidence of at least one positive Covid test in the nursery, pre-school or childminder setting.

No data is published on the number of individual cases among staff and children in a setting, meaning that the number of individual positive test cases among staff and/or children could potentially be much higher.

Reported coronavirus (Covid-19) notifications by registered early years and childcare settings

Week commencing

Number of reports









Source: Ofsted

Neil Leitch, Early Years Alliance chief executive, said the figures were 'shocking' and showed the 'deeply worrying situation many early years providers in England are currently facing.'

'Despite instructing nurseries, pre-schools and childminders to remain open to all families during lockdown, the Government is still yet to offer providers any clear evidence around the risk of transmission in early years settings. 

‘Given that reports of Covid cases doubled in a single week in January, it’s no surprise many early years staff do not trust the Government’s claims that they are perfectly safe working in a close-contact environment, when most people are being advised to stay at home.

‘The fact that these figures have been released shortly after the Government announced plans to expand the roll out lateral flow testing in many workplaces, while still refusing to send these vital tests to early years settings, is even more appalling.

‘If early years practitioners are not protected – through both direct access to asymptomatic testing and priority vaccinations - we will see more and more outbreaks in settings, leading to more and more closures: it is as simple as that.'

  • Download the statistics in full here