
Provider numbers down, but childcare places on the up

There are more than 650 fewer nurseries and childminders registered with Ofsted than there were three months ago, according to the latest figures released by the inspectorate.
However, despite more providers leaving than joining the sector, the number of registered places has risen slightly during the quarter between December 2011 and March 2012.

Ofsted said that provider numbers for childcare on non-domestic premises have been in decline since December 2008.

Although there are 69 fewer nurseries registered with Ofsted than at the end of 2011, the number of places they are registered for has increased by 2,546 places.

This suggests that nurseries are increasing their registrations to increase the number of children they can offer places to in their settings.

In total, there are now 82,282 providers on the early years register offering 1,310,738 places.

This compares with 82,950 providers and 1,309,404 places registered at 31 December, a net increase of 1,334 places.

The figures also show that while the number of places at nursery settings is increasing, childminder places are decreasing.

The number of places provided by childminders has dropped by 0.4 per cent, equivalent to a loss of 1,012 places.

The total number of childminders registered with Ofsted has fallen for the second consecutive quarter.
There are 592 fewer childminders on the early years register than there were at the end of December.

This is in contrast with the previous quarter, when despite a loss of 387 childminders the number of places childminders offered had increased by 658.

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