
Scheme to help thousands of parents enter employment

A scheme which provides unemployed parents in parts of Wales with childcare support to take up training and employment is being extended to the rest of the country.

Currently the Parents, Childcare & Employment programme (PaCE) is available only to parents in Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire, however from next month the service will be available across all local authority areas in Wales thanks to £10.9 million  from the Welsh Government and EU funds.

Under the scheme, Parent Employment Advisers, based in communities, work with families to identify what childcare support they need to enter employment.

Examples of support offered to parents under the scheme include:

  • Covering the cost of childcare for parents who are attending work experience, education or training;
  • Meeting childcare setting costs for two to four weeks before parents start work to help settle children into the childcare setting;
  • Identifying existing childcare provision in the local area – for example, whether families are eligible for the 12.5 free hours of Flying Start childcare;
  • Supplying a free mobile crèche;
  • Offering free childcare taster sessions;
  • Establishing childminding hubs in areas where there is a need for such provision.

Funding to cover the cost of childcare is directed straight to the provider.

With the expansion of the scheme, the Welsh Government expects to help 6,400 parents aged 25 and over into work or training over the next three years.

PaCE will be rolled out to unemployed parents aged 16-24 later on in the year.

The Welsh Assembly's communities and tackling poverty minister, Lesley Griffiths, said, 'Many parents say the biggest barrier stopping them from undertaking training or getting a job is the cost of childcare. We have listened to their concerns and this is why we are extending the scheme which will help thousands of people achieve their aspirations and escape from poverty.'

Sandra Welsby, national manager for Wales at the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), said, 'We are pleased that the Welsh Government has accessed European funding to support parents into employment.

'It is important that nurseries keep in contact with their local authority who will be delivering the PaCE programme to ensure they inform them of any spare capacity of childcare places they have. The PaCE programme advisors can then inform parents about their local childcare options.

'This programme as well as supporting unemployed parents off benefits and into work or training, will also support sustainability of nurseries in Wales.'