
Spotlight on ... Jamie Wilson, Everton Nursery School

Careers & Training
Name: Jamie Wilson

Position: Nursery teacher at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre in Liverpool

- How does it feel to know you are the only man under 25 working in a nursery school?

It's quite overwhelming, and in some respects rather saddening to think of it like that. If anything, it motivates me even more to ensure that the time I spend with the children is purposeful and meaningful to enrich their learning and development.

- What do you enjoy most about the job?

I love how different every day is when working with young children and how passionate and motivated they are to learn. The parents and carers I work with and alongside are also fantastic. They are very supportive and don't see me as being different in any way for the fact that I am a man - they see it as a significant positive.

- Have you always wanted to be a nursery teacher?

It was not until my teens that I considered it after a serious knee injury stopped me playing football. Looking back, I wouldn't have chosen another career to pursue, love and succeed within.

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