
Wanted: First-time parents for film

The Fatherhood Institute is looking for first-time parents to feature in a film to explore the ways mums and dads interact with their babies.


The charity would like to hear from mums and dads who have just become parents for the first time, and who have a child aged between six-and 18-months as of 1 November this year, and who are happy to talk about their new experience as parents.

The film, which will be used in workshops for first-time parents and in groups to provoke discussion, will explore, through interview and observation, the many ways mothers and fathers interact with their babies.

Parents who take part in the film will be asked about adjusting to being a father or mother, how they share the workload and what they worry about. They will also be filmed doing things with their child such as playing, changing and feeding and asked to act out simple situations that can cause conflict between mums and dads.

The Fatherhood Institute would like to hear from parents living in different regions, of varied backgrounds, class, sexuality and age.

Families who are interested in taking part in the project must be available to be filmed for several hours during November and both parents must be willing to take part.