Natalie Perera

A decade of decline

Ten years after the Marmot Review on health inequality and the Government is still ignoring evidence...

A working strategy

The success of the Graduate Leader Fund in boosting qualifications shows that evidence-based,...

Paying lip service

The Government needs to put its money where its mouth is when it comes to releasing more funds for...

Minister for change?

If the new children and families minister is interested in closing the disadvantage gap, she needs...

Where’s the evidence?

The Department for Education’s recently announced pledge to improve social mobility offers some hope...

More justification

The latest research into the benefits of the Sure Start programme backs up the positive points made...

Time after time

Despite a recent Social Mobility Commission report and an IFS review under way, the inequality...

Quantity over quality

Government funding of the early years has risen over the past few decades, but could the money have...

A Sure sign

The recent 20th anniversary of Sure Start, which evolved into Children’s Centres, is a reminder of...

School of thought

The Government’s well-received strategy on school teacher recruitment shows what could be achieved...

Inequality persists

A recent OECD report confirms that the UK needs to better support disadvantaged children in order to...

Downward trend

The Government focus on skewing funded childcare towards working parents means those most in need...

Structure and process

Two reports reveal that degrees for early years staff are not sufficient on their own, and that...

Working it out

The Education Policy Institute is launching a new study on the early years workforce and how it can...

Don’t rush T-Levels

The DfE should prioritise getting T-Levels right rather than rushing them out to meet a tight...

Unwelcome Reception

Why are more parents of summer-born children requesting a delay to their school start, asks Natalie...

Downward trend

Natalie Perera weighs up the evidence from the Education Policy Institute's latest research into the...

Across the ages

In light of concerns over the 30 hours, Natalie Perera says the Government should review the balance...

My doubts on 30 hours

The eagerly awaited Evaluation of Early Implementation of 30 Hours Free Childcare was published in...

We need better data

Nursery World columnist Natalie Perera argues the case for more data in the early years sector.

Room for improvement

With the general election over, Natalie Perera looks at where the Government should go from here.

Early years manifesto

In the run-up to the general election, our columnist Natalie Perera has some advice for the next...

Low-earners’ bad deal

Natalie Perera looks at the detail behind the Government's much-quoted £6 billion childcare spending...

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