
Childcare Counsel - how to manage staff sickness

Hannah Francis-Hopkins, solicitor at Morgan LaRoche, advises on how to manage employee sickness during the winter season
Hannah Francis-Hopkins
Hannah Francis-Hopkins

It’s that time of year, when the nights are getting increasingly darker and the sniffles start making the rounds.

Sickness in the workplace can be difficult to manage and striking a balance can be difficult. You don’t want employees working while they are ill, but you also don’t want them taking time off every time they sneeze.

Our top tips for managing sickness through winter include:

Have a sickness absence policy

To ensure employees aren’t confused about your sickness reporting procedure, ensure you have an up-to-date sickness absence policy. Include what is deemed a valid reason for absence, the procedure for reporting sickness and consequences should the policy be breached.

Reinforce best practices

Hand sanitisers, ventilation, social distancing and mask-wearing are all measures that employers can remind employees to comply with. Ensure that the workplace is Covid-secure and communicate what employees must do if they test positive, have been in contact with a positive case or live with someone who has tested positive.

Keep on top of self-certificates and Fit Notes

This will ensure that you are identifying the needs of the employee, as some Fit Notes provide recommendations to enable employees to return to their duties. A failure to provide a Fit Note can be deemed an unauthorised absence.

Conduct return-to-work meetings

Ensure you cover the need for a Fit Note as well as whether they are fit to return to normal duties. Reasonable adjustments could be needed if the employee is disabled or suffering with mental health issues, and these meetings are a great opportunity to ascertain what the employee requires.

For further information, please contact hfrancishopkins@morganlaroche.com