
Work Matters: On course

Careers & Training
28 April

Supporting Children's Social, Emotional and Behavioural Learning. Thiscourse will focus on what we need to know about emotions and behaviourto make positive relationships and explore ways in which we can supportchildren's learning. The session will provide information, opportunityfor discussion, joint problem-solving methods and the introduction of aframework for building effective strategies. - London. Cost 120.Call 020 7612 6589 or e-mail cpd@ioe.ac.uk.

30 April

Enhancing Learning through Movement, Dance, Rhythm and Beat. Researchshows that movement is essential to learning and that a young child'sability to keep a steady beat is one of the strongest indicators oflater success. Participants will explore the implications of thisresearch for learning and teaching, examine the links between basictiming and child development and try out a wide range of practicalstrategies to enhance learning. - London. Cost: from 120. Call020 7612 6589 or e-mail cpd@ioe.ac.uk.

30 April - 2 May

Learning: what matters to children. A conference about what learners do,based on the approach introduced in the publication First HandExperience: What matters to children. Delegates will examine principlesincluding children as active learners, intellectual engagement andemotional involvement, and adult involvement in learning. - Suffolk.Cost: from 295 plus VAT. Call Rich Learning Opportunities 01473737613 or e-mail snape@richlearningopportunities.co.uk.

9-10 May

Trusting children's thinking: Reflecting on Dispositions for Learning.Speakers at this annual national conference from Early Education willinclude Bernadette Duffy OBE, Professor Sylvia Johnson of SheffieldUniversity, Professor Cathy Nutbrown of the University of Sheffield,Mick Waters, director of curriculum at QCA, and Anne Nelson, chiefexecutive of Early Education. - Sheffield. Cost: from 95. Call020 7539 5400 or visit www.early-education.org.uk.