
Work matters: On course

Careers & Training
29 April. Meeting the needs of bilingual children. This course aims to develop participants' understanding of the needs of bilingual early years children, with a particular focus on practical strategies and resource ideas.

- London. Cost: 120. Call 020 7612 6589 or e-mailcpd@ioe.ac.uk.

30 April. Early years foundation stage: effective preparation andimplementation. This Nursery World conference was such a hit when it wasstaged in Birmingham in February that it is being offered again inLondon for even more delegates. Seminars cover topics including planningand observation, implementation and delivery, inspections, and workingwith parents under the EYFS. Among the speakers are Ruth Pimentel andAnn Langston from Primary National Strategies, and Ofsted, children'scentre and childminding leaders.

- London. Cost: from 199 to 599. Group discountsavailable. Book at www.eyfsconferencelondon.com.

30 April. Enhancing Learning through Movement, Dance, Rhythm and Beat.Participants will explore the implications of movement for early yearslearning and teaching, the links between basic timing and childdevelopment, and a range of practical strategies.

- London. Cost: from 120. Call 020 7612 6589 or e-mailcpd@ioe.ac.uk.

30 April - 2 May. Learning: what matters to children. A conference aboutwhat learners do, based on the approach introduced in the publicationFirst hand experience: what matters to children. Topics includeintellectual engagement and emotional involvement, and adult involvementin learning.

- Suffolk. Cost: from 295 plus VAT. Call Rich LearningOpportunities on 01473 737613 or emailsnape@richlearningopportunities.co.uk.

9 - 10 May. Trusting children's thinking: Reflecting on Dispositions forLearning. The annual national conference by Early Education. Speakerswill include Bernadette Duffy, Professor Cathy Nutbrown of theUniversity of Sheffield, Mick Waters, Director of Curriculum at QCA andAnne Nelson, chief executive of Early Education.

- Sheffield. Cost: from 95. Call 020 7539 5400 or visitwww.early-education.org.uk.