
A month in the life of Jasmine Maya

The most significant event in Jasmine's life this month was the arrival of her brother, Harry. She had her first cuddle with him when he was just 14 hours old, and she was slightly bemused by the process. When initially visiting mummy and Harry, Jasmine showed more interest in the pink balloon attached to another baby's cot than she did to her baby brother. However, she eventually began to notice him, pointing to his eyes and nose. She also prodded mummy's tummy, clearly puzzled as to where the bump had gone.
The most significant event in Jasmine's life this month was the arrival of her brother, Harry. She had her first cuddle with him when he was just 14 hours old, and she was slightly bemused by the process.

When initially visiting mummy and Harry, Jasmine showed more interest in the pink balloon attached to another baby's cot than she did to her baby brother. However, she eventually began to notice him, pointing to his eyes and nose. She also prodded mummy's tummy, clearly puzzled as to where the bump had gone.

Jasmine is not used to being apart from mummy, and her family wondered how she would cope while mummy was in hospital. Jasmine was looked after in her own house by granny and happily she remained very settled and accepting of the changes around her. Granny kept her in her normal routine as far as possible.

Once mummy and Harry returned from hospital, Jasmine tested Harry's aural skills well - laughing and calling out, and tipping out her box of blocks very suddenly. Initially he jumped at her noises, but soon seemed able to sleep straight through them. Jasmine liked to lean over his Moses basket calling 'Wake up Harry', and added 'Harry's awake' when he responded.

She helps with his nappy changes by holding the cotton wool wipes for mummy and by passing her a clean nappy or clothing item.

Jasmine has made occasional demands such as wanting her nappy changed at the same time as Harry, by whoever is changing Harry. Apart from this, she is accepting him well so far.


1 Jasmine's granny kept her as close to her usual routine as possible when caring for her while mummy was in hospital. Why is this so important?

2 Jasmine is a lively and active toddler who makes a great deal of noise.

Is this likely to affect Harry?

3 What safety precautions are needed when there is a new baby and a toddler in the family?

Answers to part 28 questions (18 September)

1 If Jasmine has pulled mummy's hair or done anything similarly unacceptable, her parents ask her to stop because it makes them sad. She has shown understanding of this by responding with a hug and also by saying 'Noddy sad' when her toy was knocked off her bed by mummy.

2 When Jasmine helped daddy with the furniture she was showing good understanding of processes (cognitive skills) and using manipulative skills to position the screws accurately. Social skills (helping others) were also clearly being seen.

By Sandy Green, an early years consultant and freelance trainer. She is also Jasmine's grandmother.