
Autism and Early Years Practice: A Guide for Early Years Professionals, Teachers and Parents

Autism and Early Years Practice: A Guide for Early Years Professionals, Teachers and Parents by Kate Wall
Autism and Early Years Practice: A Guide for Early Years Professionals, Teachers and Parents

by Kate Wall

(Paul Chapman, 1-4129-0128-6, 18.99, 020 7324 8500 )

Reviewed by Collette Drifte, special needs and early years consultant This book explores autism comprehensively, including issues such as its effect on the child's family, strategies for working with children who have autism and the realities of including such children in mainstream settings.

Chapters have a simple format with an introduction, main discussion and summary, followed by key issues, points to ponder and discuss, and useful further reading and contact details.

The style is a little formal, and occasionally heavy, but the book gives lots of excellent information about the autistic spectrum, with descriptions of characteristics and tendencies. There are interesting case studies to help the reader to apply the theory to children they know.

The book would be a valuable addition to a setting's special needs literature.