
Councils advised on Graduate Leader Fund

Local authorities have received new guidance on how to implement the Graduate Leader Fund (GLF) in private and voluntary nurseries.

As set out in the Children's Plan, the Government wants every full daycare setting to be led by a graduate by 2015, with two graduates in settings in the 30 per cent most disadvantaged areas (News, 20/27 December).

Highlighting the importance placed on graduates in early years settings, the document said there was 'an unprecedented long-term commitment' to the GLF for the next two spending review periods until 2015.

The GLF aims to help PVI nurseries to recruit graduates with EYP status. Unlike the Transformation Fund, which it replaces, there is no cap on the fees nurseries can charge parents as a condition to accessing it.

Providers are free to use the GLF as they wish, for example to help pay for salaries for newly employed or existing graduates; to provide continuous professional development; or to increase the salary of an existing staff member while training towards EYP status.

Local authorities have been told to work with local PVI providers to allocate the GLF according to local need.

The guidance states clearly that it does not expect local authorities to use the fund to employ graduates in children's centres, as in most cases the qualified teacher should be able to work towards EYPS. However, they should consider using it if children's centres are run by a PVI provider.

The National Day Nurseries Association urged nurseries to get in touch with their local authority. Chief executive Purnima Tanuku said, 'Upskilling the workforce is key to improving quality, and we are pleased the Government has recognised that pay is an intrinsic issue when it comes to the employment of graduates in the PVI sector and has made a commitment to long-term funding to support this.'

But she warned against local authorities using the fund for their own objectives. 'The guidance says local authorities can decide where salary support is needed and what level of funding each setting be provided with, and set their own "model of delivery". It is critical that any action or conditions follows extensive consultation with providers and careful thought to ensure that use of funds does reflect the overall needs of the PVI sectors.'

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