
Neil Leitch awarded honorary doctorate in education

Neil Leitch, chief executive of the Early Years Alliance, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of East London (UEL) in recognition of his ‘tireless advocacy’ for the early years sector.
Neil Leitch talks to graduates after receiving his honorary doctorate in education, PHOTO: Simon Callaghan Photography

Leitch was presented with his honorary doctorate in education in front of hundreds of students at one of the University’s graduation ceremonies at UEL’s Docklands campus.

He told the students from the School of Education and Communities, ‘As someone who is normally not shy in coming forward – I’ve spent the last decade plus arguing with politicians and policy makers – but I have to tell you when I received this invitation I was absolutely speechless, so thank you.’

Along with growing the Early Years Alliance’s (EYA) membership, Leitch has led numerous campaigns including ‘Rewind on Ratios’, which contributed to the then Government reversing its plans to relax adult: child ratios in settings.

He was awarded the Nursery World Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2020.

Leitch, who has often spoken of his personal experiences growing up in poverty and spending periods in care, left school at 14 without any qualifications. He then took evening classes and worked in low paid jobs, with the aim of becoming a TV engineer.

However, a manager of his saw he had potential and Leitch studied to become an accountant, before being promoted to finance director and chair of the Finance Industry Standards Association.

Feeling unfulfilled, he changed careers, working as a volunteer at the EYA in 2000, which at the time was known as the Pre-school Learning Alliance, before becoming chief executive of the membership organisation in 2008.

Reflecting on his career, Leitch told students, ‘This is one of the most responsible professions anyone can enter. What can be more precious than shaping the life chances of our youngest people? What could be more important?’