
Family and Childcare Trust joins Coram

The Family and Childcare Trust is joining the Coram group of charities to become Coram Family and Childcare.

However, it will remain registered as an independent charity and will continue its current programme of work, including the Parent Champions National Network, its childcare surveys, and supporting the All Party Parliamentary Group on Families in the Early Years.

Coram Family and Childcare will be based on the Coram Campus from 23 July and the legal amalgamation is expected to be completed by 1 August.

The charity will reconstitute a new, independent board. A spokesperson confirmed that Coram Family and Childcare will remain as an independent organisation, employing staff and that there would not be any changes to employment terms as a result of the amalgamation and no need to TUPE.

Ellen Broome, CEO of the Family and Childcare Trust said, ‘I am very excited by the opportunity that joining the Coram group provides to help us meet the needs of more families and have a greater impact. For 30 years, the Family and Childcare Trust and our predecessor organisations have been championing the needs of families, particularly around childcare and the early years. During that time, we have seen childcare move up the public policy agenda and we have seen significant additional investment.

‘But we still face considerable challenges. Many parents in the UK are frozen out of work by the high cost and low availability of childcare and many children miss out on the boost to their outcomes that high quality provides. The brunt of childcare costs and shortages are borne by disadvantaged families. I look forward to working as part of the Coram group to create a childcare and early years system that works for all families.’

Dr Carol Homden, CEO of Coram, said, ‘Tackling inequality and making sure that all children are respected and protected are at the heart of Coram’s work and Coram Family and Childcare will help us to have a greater impact for families.

‘By combining expertise and experience, we will develop, deliver and promote best practice to strive for change and will not rest until every child has the best possible chance in life.’


Dr Carol Homden and Ellen Broome

The Coram group is made up of a number of charities including CoramBAAF, an independent membership organisation for professionals, foster carers and adopters, the successor to the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF), after its closure in 2015.

The others are Coram Adoption and Permanent Families,  Coram Children’s Legal Centre, Coram Cambridgeshire Adoption, Coram-i, Coram International, Coram Life Education, and Coram Voice.