
Gateshead Council in Deckham and Leam Lane

Two new children's centres designed by Gateshead Council in Deckham and Leam Lane have been officially opened by Cherie Booth QC. There are now ten new children's centres across Gateshead developed with the help of subsidies from the European Regional Development Fund and the Sure Start Capital Fund. Deckham has been fitted with a sensory room and a soft play area, while the 2.5m Leam Lane building houses a variety of council services.
Two new children's centres designed by Gateshead Council in Deckham and Leam Lane have been officially opened by Cherie Booth QC. There are now ten new children's centres across Gateshead developed with the help of subsidies from the European Regional Development Fund and the Sure Start Capital Fund. Deckham has been fitted with a sensory room and a soft play area, while the 2.5m Leam Lane building houses a variety of council services.