
Key tools

To comply with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act the Royal National Institute for the Blind recommends that all classroom material and activities have maximum visual accessibility. The KidGlove Keyboard range from Keytools addresses this requirement with high contrast lettering, home key bumps, enlarged lettering and Braille. Also available are mouse accessories which are ergonomically designed for children's small hands. Keytools is well practised in providing ICT equipment for a range of special needs and is able to advise on even the most unique requirement.
To comply with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act the Royal National Institute for the Blind recommends that all classroom material and activities have maximum visual accessibility. The KidGlove Keyboard range from Keytools addresses this requirement with high contrast lettering, home key bumps, enlarged lettering and Braille. Also available are mouse accessories which are ergonomically designed for children's small hands.

Keytools is well practised in providing ICT equipment for a range of special needs and is able to advise on even the most unique requirement.

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