
Let the babies be

I agree with Peter Dixon (In My View, 12 January) - what madness to have a curriculum for babies. Is this just a ploy to keep those who dream up these absurdities in employment? Will this lead to my 16-month-old being tested at age two? Maybe I'll have to get her a tutor or she won't pass the entry exam at the school nursery when she is three and a half. There seems to be a compulsion to fit everything into a box with planning.
I agree with Peter Dixon (In My View, 12 January) - what madness to have a curriculum for babies. Is this just a ploy to keep those who dream up these absurdities in employment? Will this lead to my 16-month-old being tested at age two? Maybe I'll have to get her a tutor or she won't pass the entry exam at the school nursery when she is three and a half.

There seems to be a compulsion to fit everything into a box with planning.

The notion of letting babies develop naturally with just their curiosity and a small number of objects to play with appears to make the intellectuals run for the hills.

On the whole, experiences for babies are good and they arrive at school, nursery or wherever, ready for the next stage. No doubt I will be told that it is for those who do not get the right stimulation that a curriculum is needed. However, there will always be under-stimulated children arriving at school with poor skills, be it social or pre-reading. No amount of curriculum setting will change this.

Adriano Caria, London SW15