
Mid Gavin nursery

Mid Gavin nursery has asked us to publish the following to clarify some points in response to 'Scottish nursery in union battle', News, 23 July.

'The statement from the representative of the GMB union states that theyhave 75 per cent of the staff from the nursery who are members and whowish to have union recognition. At no time have we been provided withany information which could provide evidence of this. You state in yourarticle that horses had jumped a fence from neighbouring stables, andhad thus placed children at risk of harm. A gate in a field adjacent tothe nursery driveway had been left open and some horses had wanderedout. It was noticed very quickly and the horses were rounded up bystable staff and quickly secured again. We had already arranged anappointment with a health and safety officer to come and view thedriveway and the car park The company takes the health and safety of thechildren it cares for very seriously.'