
More Than Cooking

More Than Cooking: developing children's learning through cooking By Jane Khan
More Than Cooking: developing children's learning through cooking

By Jane Khan

(Early Education, 5 plus 50p p&p, ISBN 0 904187 30 6, 020 7539 5400)

Reviewed by Marian Whitehead, language and early years consultant

The title of this booklet from Early Education certainly 'cuts the mustard'

(to get into the cooking mood), as it captures the essence of the approach exactly.

This is all about cooking with young children, as opposed to cooking for them. The book demonstrates 'that early years skills are often underestimated and that even small children are capable of performing the majority of food preparation and cooking jobs without any danger to themselves'. The quotation is from the book's brief introduction, 'Why cooking with young children is important'. This excellent rationale would make a good starting point for a curriculum statement about food and cooking activities in any early years setting (properly acknowledged, of course).

I am reminded of the old saying 'good things come in small parcels', which certainly applies to this booklet. It starts with a charming foreword by Michelin-starred restaurateur Heston Blumenthal and goes on to cover health and safety issues; how to involve families; advice on growing fruit and vegetables; and detailed guidelines on cooking across the curriculum.

The recipes for all seasons at the end of the book are the icing on the cake! So, read, cook, eat and enjoy - especially the 'above-ground' and 'below-ground' soups!