
Mother's Day

Help children make a gift card their mothers will treasure forever. Resources
Help children make a gift card their mothers will treasure forever.


Clay card paint

Step by step

* Roll out the clay and carefully cut round each child's hand.

* When the clay is dry the children can paint their clay hand.

* Varnish the clay hand, with a spray if possible, and mount on the card. (Hand prints can be used as an alternative.) Extension activity:

* Sing these words to the tune of 'What Do You Do with a Drunken Sailor'. Ask the children to suggest verses.

Mother's Day

(words by G Smith)

What will you do for Mother's Day

What will you do for Mother's Day

What will you do for Mother's Day

To show her that she's special?

I will give her a kiss and cuddle etc

To show her that she's special.

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