
My Fun Week diary

Three months before * Write to parents to tell them about the Fun Week and ask them to collect items for it.
Three months before

* Write to parents to tell them about the Fun Week and ask them to collect items for it.

Three weeks before

* Get topic webs written and displayed.

* Have some large wooden boxes (1m cubed) made for the garden.

* Bring dinghy (donated by the Environment Agency) to school.

* Build a mast.

* Make paddles.

* Get a carpenter in to build a veranda outside the special needs unit.

* Send out invitations to parents, governors, members of the Education Committee, children from the local primary school, local county councillor and members of the local community to take part.

* Write to parents again asking them to volunteer their help.

* Put up a begging notice on the front door.

* Ask each parent individually to come and help.

* Buy acrylic paint for the boat.

* Order fish and fish posters from Billingsgate fish market.

* Ask parents again for net curtains and newspaper.

* Sort out dressing up clothes for outside.

Week before

* I put black material up in the hallway. The children say, 'It's spooky. Why is it night-time?' A few parents ask, 'What is this all about?' * Brown Bear class make first cave. Children start piling in.

* The children sit inside the large boxes in the garden and fill the boat, which has been placed on uneven grass so that it rocks.

* I come into school on Sunday to finish putting up the black material in the hallway and prepare activities for the next day.


* Everyone in at crack of dawn to start.

* Put up description of what is going on in each room every day of the week, for parents.

* Panic as teacher in 'Hermit Crab' room drops a tin of yellow acrylic paint on the carpet just inside the classroom door. Frantic scrubbing and mopping! Newspaper on carpet to soak it up.

* Heavy rain holds off for the morning. Boat taken under the new shelter for painting. A dad works with a group of children.

* Eight Year 6 children from local primary school arrive with their teacher. Two go to each room.

* Their teacher is set to work stapling long strips of coloured crepe paper on the ceiling in the 'Hermit Crab' classroom.

* All parents and children asked to draw a firefly as they enter the building, then cut it out and stick it up on the wall.

* Fairy lights put up across the ceiling in the hallway.

* A huge piece of fabric is painted with yellow acrylic paint (from the tin that fell on to the carpet) representing the sandy seafloor painted under loggia.

* When children begin to make pictures of the characters from the firefly story, Chloe is painting a cat. 'What different colours are cats?' I ask. 'Pink,' she replies. 'Have you ever seen a pink cat?' I ask. 'Yes, there's a pink cat in Mrs Taylor's room!' (the Brown Bear room). Creativity versus observation. Creativity wins!

* Children all incredibly focused on what is going on.

* Father painting the boat with a group of children says, 'We've made a hippy boat. Just look at the colours.' Children have acrylic paint all over them. Hope there are no complaints from parents!

* The parents are really enjoying themselves. Some ask if they can take paper home to draw fireflies.

* One parent says she is glad she didn't apply for the recently advertised SNA job at the school. She doesn't know how the staff cope with the pace!

* Bring in crab, the first fish of the week. All children pass it round. Lucky member of staff gets to take crab home for tea.

* Carpet looking better. Scrub again tomorrow.

* A salesman who regularly brings in samples for staff arrives. Among his bits is a singing Tommy the Trout. It is removed from the box to be 'borrowed' for tomorrow.

* I photocopy and laminate some fireflies to hang from the ceiling.

* Everyone exhausted but rooms looking great.

* I have a doctor's appointment. I sit in the waiting room cutting out laminated fireflies. He tells me that my asthma is very bad and I should be admitted to hospital. I tell him I am too busy to be ill.

* I get home to find consignment of fish has arrived from Billingsgate, including a five-foot-long swordfish (including the sword).

* What shall I do with the swordfish? Wrap it in black bin bags, surround with ice and put it in the utility room.

* A friend arrives with carrier bags of fish ornaments and pictures - she has stripped her whole bathroom! Included are two more singing fish, a lobster and a bass. They can join Tommy the Trout for a band!