
Name and numbers

Develop awareness of addresses and telephone numbers CHILD-INITIATED
Develop awareness of addresses and telephone numbers


Encourage the children to use the address book as part of their role play.


A small area designated as an office or post office, equipped with table/desk and chairs, writing equipment, junk mail (particularly envelopes and forms), old carbon sheets, typewriters, defunct keyboards, telephones, telephone books and yellow pages, old or empty address and telephone books (the flip-up kind are very popular with children and a great way of reinforcing the alphabet), postcards, stickers (for use as stamps) recycled envelopes (ask people to open envelopes carefully and save them for you), a cap, and satchel for 'deliveries'.

Play suggestions

* Encourage the children to develop their own ideas for the area. They will readily avail themselves of the writing opportunities and a lot of incidental reading will take place. Remind them that letters and envelopes must have a name on them before they can be delivered. Make sure adults' names are available for reference, or you will be inundated with mail!

* Make a post box out of a large carton and set regular 'collection' times.

* Display addressed envelopes around the office area. Add local maps (photocopy and enlarge local A-Zs and street maps) and photographs of street names and road signs.

* Use wall pockets as 'sorting' boxes or as individual letterboxes, labelled (possibly with a photograph) for each child where notes and letters can be posted and stored.

* Remember that telephones are a valuable way of encouraging oracy, so encourage the children to look up telephone numbers and then dial correctly on the play phones.

* Provide a role model for this by getting involved yourself and playing in the area.

* Carry a pretend mobile phone and 'call' children, asking them to look up numbers and addresses for you.

Possible learning outcomes

* Observes others

* Uses materials randomly and for their own purposes

* Engages in writing and reading behaviour

* Searches for and locates addresses

* Writes addresses with increasing accuracy

* Engages others in their role play

* Develops and sustains role play

* Shares resources co-operatively

* Shows awareness of alphabetical order.