
Nurseries and other businesses in Northern Ireland

Nurseries and other businesses in Northern Ireland have been warned not to be taken in by a mailshot from a body calling itself the 'Health and Safety Enforcement Agency'. The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) has warned that the official-sounding organisation is in fact a private company sending out mail shots entitled 'final notice' and asking businesses to part with 125 to receive a 'compliance pack' so they can comply with accident-recording and health and safety law. Businesses can buy the official materials required to comply with regulations for 7.50 from The Stationery Office on 028 9023 8451 or find free advice on health and safety issues from the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland website at
Nurseries and other businesses in Northern Ireland have been warned not to be taken in by a mailshot from a body calling itself the 'Health and Safety Enforcement Agency'. The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) has warned that the official-sounding organisation is in fact a private company sending out mail shots entitled 'final notice' and asking businesses to part with 125 to receive a 'compliance pack' so they can comply with accident-recording and health and safety law. Businesses can buy the official materials required to comply with regulations for 7.50 from The Stationery Office on 028 9023 8451 or find free advice on health and safety issues from the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland website at