
Nursery activities

Think inside the box Boxes can be versatile tools for supporting learning outdoors, say Jan White and Gail Ryder Richardson
Think inside the box

Boxes can be versatile tools for supporting learning outdoors, say Jan White and Gail Ryder Richardson

Ideas to explore Being inside an enclosed, comfortable space alone or with a friend Resources Big boxes (from kitchen appliances or computer hardware), soft materials such as a blanket, sheet or small parachute, soft toys PLODS Place boxes in a quiet place to encourage conversation and reflection. Use a sheet or parachute to create a covering over one or more boxes. Join boxes up to create rooms to the 'house'.

Ideas to explore Building an emerging story together using the stimuli of the items in the box and the outdoor environment

Resources Large to medium-sized box, large piece of fabric, puppet or soft toy, torch, pebble/feather/large key etc

PLODS Develop the story as to how the parcel arrived at the setting.

Re-enact the stories for other children. Express the stories in other media such as paint. Develop other boxes to tell stories from.

Ideas to explore Exploring shape, size and enclosure/envelopment through a motivating context

Resources A variety of boxes of different sizes, wrapping paper, sticking tapes, scissors, string, decorations such as tinsel or bows

PLODS Set up a wrapping station, possibly seasonally themed. Fill and empty boxes with items found in outdoor play resources. Decorate and label boxes with friends' names.

Ideas to explore Explore the role of the postal staff and how parcels are transported

Resources Relevant role play items for a delivery or postal service, boxes labelled with simple addresses, cardboard for matching signs, big marker pens

PLODS Mark boxes with local supermarket/store logos, other environmental print or addresses of story characters (cover sides of box with plain paper), placing matching logos/symbols on cardboard around the space for delivery. Let children use their ideas from home experiences. Fill boxes with items to represent goods these people/places would send or receive.

Let children send items to each other.

Ideas to explore Lifting large and/or heavy boxes on and off bikes and trailers and carrying them

Resources Large and medium-sized boxes, parcel tape, wheeled vehicles with trailers or platforms, baskets and backpacks

PLODS Work together to lift and manoeuvre large or heavy boxes. Find out how much can be lifted and how wheels help to move heavy things. Explore how big does not necessarily mean heavy, and vice versa.


Poor resourcing and planning are the greatest barriers to high-quality outdoor play. In this series, Jan White and Gail Ryder Richardson of Learning Through Landscapes' early years team suggest simple resources that can provide stimuli for cross-curricular learning and give possible lines of development (PLODs). By focusing on resources that are cheap, easily prepared and easy to store, practitioners can then respond quickly to children's interests and events outdoors. More ideas on creating high-quality outdoor spaces are available from LTL Early Years Outdoors, tel: 01962 845 811.