
Nursery activities

Jan White and Gail Ryder Richardson explain how a simple and cheap resource can stimulate a wide range of learning outdoors Ideas to explore The sensation of being wrapped up and secure.
Jan White and Gail Ryder Richardson explain how a simple and cheap resource can stimulate a wide range of learning outdoors

Ideas to explore The sensation of being wrapped up and secure.

Resources Soft and comfortable fabric (cot blankets and sheets; fur) PLODS Enclosing selves and each other. Lie on or in the fabric and sky-watch. Rest under the dappled shade of a tree.

Ideas to explore Enjoy and share books outdoors.

Resources Blanket (laid over a small tarpaulin if ground is damp), basket with a small selection of favourite or themed books, soft toy or puppet props PLODS Finding the best place for a quiet, pleasant reading spot. Use sheets or muslin to create a shady corner. Create a role-play scenario suggested by a story or tell your own stories.

Ideas to explore Get a real feel for shape and space by playing in dens.

Resources A variety of large pieces of fabric, pegs, rope and string, bamboo canes, masking tape

PLODS Support the children to design their own dens, play in and embellish them, and explore the feel, concepts and language of spaces and position.

Ideas to explore Use the imagination to create role-play props such as capes, robes, belts and hats.

Resources A range of interesting fabrics in a variety of shapes and sizes, baskets or suitcases for storage (fabric is best stored indoors) PLODS Develop any number of imaginative play scenarios, using fabric to make dressing-up clothes for all parts of the body and other props, such as sails and flags.

Ideas to explore The pleasure of running and dancing with scarves.

Resources A collection of light-weight, attractive scarves (silky and voile-type fabrics are especially effective), fabric pony-tail bands (attach scarves to these and wear on wrists) PLODS Develop a range of movements and ideas that increase sensations with the scarves, especially on a windy day. Help children select music to dance to (classical music has much to offer).

Ideas to explore Use fabric to represent things in the environment, such as water, sky, earth, plants, snow and clouds

Resources A variety of pieces of fabric in a range of textures, patterns and colours

PLODS Explore vocabulary that describes the world around - texture, colour, shape and pattern. Use fabric to stimulate group story-telling, with the story environment represented by fabric.

Series guide

Poor resourcing and planning are the greatest barriers to high-quality outdoor play. In this series, Jan White and Gail Ryder Richardson of Learning Through Landscapes' early years team suggest simple resources that can provide stimuli for cross-curricular learning and give possible lines of development (PLODs). By focusing on resources that are cheap, easily prepared and easy to store, practitioners can then respond quickly to children's interests and events outdoors. More ideas on creating high-quality outdoor spaces are available from LTL Early Years Outdoors, tel: 01962 845 8111.