
Ofsted advises childminders on paperwork

Ofsted is to produce specific guidance for childminders to help them deal with the requirements in the EYFS about recording children's progress and filling in paperwork.

The move comes amid concerns that there is a perception among childminders that the EYFS has led to an increase in bureaucracy and is placing too many paperwork demands on childminders.

This has been cited by some as behind the real reason for the fall in the number of childminders.

Annette Brooke, Liberal Democrat spokesperson for children, young people and families, had raised the issue with Ofsted and requested a meeting with HM chief inspector Christine Gilbert.

Speaking at the launch of the National Childminding Association's election manifesto at the House of Commons, Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Walmsley confirmed that the meeting had taken place and that Ofsted will draw up new guidance for childminders.

She said, 'Christine Gilbert will produce best-practice examples and make it as widely distributed as possible.'