By Marion Dowling
(Early Education, 20 plus 2 p&p, 020 7539 5409)
Reviewed by Jennie Lindon, psychologist and early years consultant Marion Dowling managed the project that produced these useful training materials and wrote the supporting booklet. The set includes a DVD, 19-page explanatory booklet (that fits into the DVD case) and an A4 version that can be photocopied.
The booklet highlights how alert practitioners can tune into young children's ability to investigate, reason and solve problems. There are also many pointers to how practitioners can behave in ways that will create the opportunities for 'sustained shared thinking' - the practical concept described in the EPPE and REPEY research.
The DVD provides five examples of interaction between children and an adult and also between children themselves. The range encompasses an under-threes nursery unit, primary school Foundation Stage unit, a childminder, a nursery school and a Year 1 class.
The resources are intended to be used in training workshops and the booklet offers brief suggestions for running the sessions. I think they could also work for in-house team development. Marion Dowling offers possible discussion activities, pointers for reflection and questions to stimulate discussion. For further background detail, they could well add the author's eight-page pullout for Nursery World, 'All about children's thinking' (6 April 2006).
This valuable resource could really help fine-tune practice to benefit young children.