
Pass the shape

Get to grips with the qualities of objects in a fun circle game. Resources
Get to grips with the qualities of objects in a fun circle game.


Various objects of different size, thickness, weight, texture, shape and colour such as construction kit pieces 3a ball 3carpet remnants Step by step

* Sit the children in a circle and show them two objects of different shapes.

* Compare the size, colour, thickness, texture and weight of both the shapes.

* Choose one of the shapes to pass around the circle in an anti-clockwise direction (to the right).

* Ask the children to feel and look at the shape as it is passed around.

* Sing this song as it is passed around. At the end of each verse ask the children about the shape. Is it rough or smooth, heavy or light, thick or thin?

Pass the shape on, pass it on

To the right as you sing this song.

Pass the shape on, pass it on To the right as you sing this song.

(Words by G. Smith)

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