
Pre-school diet and adult risk of breast cancer

Researchers in this US study conducted a study including 582 women with breast cancer and 1,569 controls free of breast cancer. Information concerning the diets of the women when they were three to five years old was obtained from their mothers. An increased risk of breast cancer was observed among those who had frequently consumed French fries at pre-school age. Consumption of whole milk was associated with a slightly decreased risk of breast cancer. Michels, K B and others. International Journal of Cancer, published online (early view) 10 August 2005 at
Researchers in this US study conducted a study including 582 women with breast cancer and 1,569 controls free of breast cancer. Information concerning the diets of the women when they were three to five years old was obtained from their mothers. An increased risk of breast cancer was observed among those who had frequently consumed French fries at pre-school age. Consumption of whole milk was associated with a slightly decreased risk of breast cancer.

Michels, K B and others. International Journal of Cancer, published online (early view) 10 August 2005 at