
Spotlight on ... Nina Khazaeazdeh and Claire Singh

Name: Nina Khazaezadeh and Claire Singh

Position: Consultant midwife and children's centre midwife for Guy's andSt Thomas' NHS Foundation Hospital Trust

What made you set up a postnatal parenting course?

We knew there was a gap in the service for parents after they leavetheir midwife and so we developed a six-week multi-agency course toprepare families for the changes they will experience. It helps with theemotional transitions and offers sessions like baby massage, first aidand weaning.

How important are the two children's centres?

Contributing practitioners include speech and language therapists anddietitians, so the children's centres are crucial to providing theholistic approach. The course concept brought these busy professionalstogether in an affordable way.

How has your course been honoured at the national Midwifery Awards?

We were joint winners of the 'Developing post-natal care and earlyparenting' category. The response from parents has been great too - theyfeel very confident because of the course and communicate better withtheir children.

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