
Students compete for 2008 awards

Four finalists have now been chosen for the eighth Heinemann and Nursery World Childcare Student of the Year Awards. All are studying for the level 3 CACHE Diploma in Childcare and Education.

Bethany Chiles attends University College Birmingham. So far she hasattained high grades and excellent practical placement reports. Bethanyhas been chosen to experience the Leonardo Project, a three-weekplacement in an early years setting in France.

Verity Jones is from Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College in Cheshire. Awork placement at a primary school during her secondary educationencouraged Verity to pursue a career in childcare.

Kate Taylor goes to Preston College. Tutors have recommended that Katebe chosen for the 'gifted and talented' club, an in-house initiativewhich provides extra-curricular activities for more able students.

Jessica Whiteley is from Plume College in Maldon, Essex. Jessica hastaken on extended college activities such as voluntary work with a localprimary school helping children with special needs, and Pyramid Trainingthrough Dr Barnado's.

The judging and presentation of the award will take place in Oxford atHeinemann's head office on 1 July. The prizes will be presented by BrianTytherleigh, director for early years at the Children's WorkforceDevelopment Council.

Beth Howard, senior publisher for childcare at Heinemann, said,'Heinemann and Nursery World are delighted to acknowledge theachievements of students in the childcare sector by running this award.This year the standard of entries was exemplary and the eliminationprocess was tough.'

Judges will be looking for students who show the potential to be greatchildcare professionals and demonstrate outstanding performance on theircourse. Each finalist will be given a case study of a real-lifesituation and asked to report back on how they would tackle the issueposed to them.

The winner will receive a certificate along with a year's freesubscription to Nursery World and a cheque for 300. The student'scollege will also receive a 300 voucher to spend on Heinemannresources. Runners-up receive a cheque for 100, together with75 worth of Heinemann vouchers for their school or college.