
Switch on to ICT

April Jones, director of Computer Kids, on digital presentations This is the first of a series of articles looking at the use of data projectors and interactive whiteboards in the nursery. Both are an expensive investment and using them for the first time can be quite daunting, but the benefits are considerable. The first item to buy is the data projector; this can be used independently of an interactive whiteboard, whereas the whiteboard requires a data projector.
April Jones, director of Computer Kids, on digital presentations

This is the first of a series of articles looking at the use of data projectors and interactive whiteboards in the nursery. Both are an expensive investment and using them for the first time can be quite daunting, but the benefits are considerable. The first item to buy is the data projector; this can be used independently of an interactive whiteboard, whereas the whiteboard requires a data projector.

A data projector enables a practitioner to teach the whole class using a laptop or desktop PC. When connected to a computer, the image that appears on the screen can be projected on to a pull-down screen, a whiteboard, or a wall. You can also connect the projector to a TV, video player, camcorder or DVD player.

Making a decision about such a major purchase can be difficult if you are not armed with all the technical facts. The average cost is still near 1,000 for a projector. You will also need to consider the resolution (the amount of detail in an image which must match your computer), size and weight (there is often a trade-off between small size and image quality), lamp type and life (a replacement lamp costs 200) and video sources (not all data projectors will display all types of data sources).

Other considerations include deciding whether the projector is to be portable or fixed to the ceiling. Can it be placed next to the PC and projected on to a suitable surface or, if a laptop is used, can both be positioned safely? Is the projection at the right height? Can children walk to the projected image unobstructed and point to the screen?

Next time we'll look at how a projector can be used effectively.

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