
The ...a la carte approach to nursery food

'A healthy way to tackle obesity' (Nursery World, 4 November) highlighted the serious issue of child obesity. I believe that we all have an important role to play in our children's lifestyles and that the only way forward is to take a consistent yet achievable approach with regard to diet and exercise for our children. We need to educate children with a flexible and healthy approach towards food from an early age and provide opportunities for them to be active during the day. France and other European countries have a much healthier approach to food than us. They encourage even the youngest children to help prepare lunch and lay the table. The children and staff leisurely eat a home-cooked meal, quite often consisting of three courses or more. The children help in the clearing-up process and then have a siesta before going outside to play.
'A healthy way to tackle obesity' (Nursery World, 4 November) highlighted the serious issue of child obesity. I believe that we all have an important role to play in our children's lifestyles and that the only way forward is to take a consistent yet achievable approach with regard to diet and exercise for our children.

We need to educate children with a flexible and healthy approach towards food from an early age and provide opportunities for them to be active during the day. France and other European countries have a much healthier approach to food than us. They encourage even the youngest children to help prepare lunch and lay the table. The children and staff leisurely eat a home-cooked meal, quite often consisting of three courses or more. The children help in the clearing-up process and then have a siesta before going outside to play.

How has the UK become so caught up in this fast-food eating, lethargic lifestyle? With both parents going out to work in many families, we providers take on more of a parent role. It is our duty to provide a home-from- home environment for the children we care for and therefore provide them with a wide range of nutritious foods.

We also need to provide opportunities throughout the day for children to be naturally active so it becomes a pleasurable part of their daily routine.

* Judith Baxter, manager, St Mary's Nursery, Hexham, Northumberland