
Up north teacher is going down under

A Lancashire nursery teacher is getting set to swap places with a primary teacher Down Under.

Tracey Kenny, a teacher at Newtown Nursery in Colne, Lancashire, is toexchange her role with that of Jacinta Duncan, who works at Araluenprimary school in Victoria, Australia.

The move is organised by the League of Exchange for CommonwealthTeachers. It will last for one Australian academic year, from January toDecember 2010.

Ms Kenny and Ms Duncan have never met, but as well as taking on eachother's jobs they will be exchanging homes and socialising with eachother's friends and family members.

Ms Kenny will be teaching an early years curriculum to year one pupils.In Australia, pre-primary schooling begins at the age of four or fiveand primary at the age of six. Each Australian state follows its owncurriculum. Araluen primary school has looked at the UK's Early YearsFoundation Stage and uses phonics.

Ms Kenny hopes to use her 14 years' experience as a nursery teacher andas a SENCO at the Colne nursery to introduce new ideas to the Australianschool.

She also plans to set up a Skype connection while she is abroad so shecan keep in touch with her nursery school, staff and children.

Ms Kenny said, 'I'm really excited about the exchange, but it stillhasn't sunk in yet. It will be interesting to see how the Australianschool works and how the children cope with the early years curriculum,being a year older. I hope the visit will enable me to widen my horizonsand provide me with experience to progress to working as a teacher in areception class.'

She added, 'I was really lucky to be chosen for the scheme, as there isonly a 40 per cent success rate. The school, staff and parents have beenreally supportive - without their help I wouldn't have been able to doit.'