
We love weather

I was surprised to read the letter from Dr Patricia Lucas (11 November) at the University of Bristol. I work in a Bristol nursery school where children are not kept indoors when it is raining. We have a policy of all-weather play and so the children always have the choice to play outside -though they are not made to. The nursery provides wet weather gear, including waterproof cagoules, trousers and wellies, and most children do choose to go out in all weathers.
I was surprised to read the letter from Dr Patricia Lucas (11 November) at the University of Bristol. I work in a Bristol nursery school where children are not kept indoors when it is raining.

We have a policy of all-weather play and so the children always have the choice to play outside - though they are not made to. The nursery provides wet weather gear, including waterproof cagoules, trousers and wellies, and most children do choose to go out in all weathers.

Jo Clarke, Bristol