
What shall we do now?

Grab it! Scavenger hunts are popular at any time of the year, and here's a variation that you can play outdoors on a hot summer's day, or take inside for a wet afternoon - Grab It!
Grab it!

Scavenger hunts are popular at any time of the year, and here's a variation that you can play outdoors on a hot summer's day, or take inside for a wet afternoon - Grab It!

Make a list of things that you can find around your house or garden, and stand a player on either side of you. If you have more than two children to entertain, split them into two teams, and invite a player from each to start the game, then rotate contestants as the action continues.

To play Grab It!, simply read out the first item on your list. The two players must then run and grab the item mentioned, and bring it back to you to win a point. For example, you may call out 'Toothpaste!', and the first child back with a tube adds to their score. Then, move on to the next item on your list, and get them grabbing again.

If you're playing this game with a mixture of ages, you may find that younger players have trouble keeping up, so include a few items on your list that only they will know how to find, such as favourite toys.

Try calling out these great grabs: * A pair of socks

* A book with more than 200 pages

* A family photograph

* Three coloured pencils

* A number 8

* A picture of the Queen (a coin or a stamp will do)

* Something that is blue and yellow

* Something you can eat

* A picture of a famous person

* A pair of glasses (they don't have to be spectacles).

When everyone is tired from running about, take a quick breather, and then it's time for YOUR favourite game - Put Everything Back Where You Found It!

Tommy Donbavand is a children's entertainer and author of the books Quick Fixes for Bored Kids and More Quick Fixes.... His new guide, Boredom Busters, is also published by How To Books, and they can all be ordered via his website at